Clarify Vision ∞ Cultivate Confidence ∞ Love Your Purpose ∞ Overcome Fear ∞ Deepen Faith ∞ Control Anxiety ∞ Strengthen Self-Compassion ∞ Recognize Cognitive Distortions ∞ Balance Life
In all personal development, it is widely understood that any growth begins with analyzing our thought process. This is the WAY we think vs. WHAT we think about.
Research shows that transformation happens when we gain the INSIGHT we need to align our thoughts with reality.
Insight is necessary to dissolve limiting beliefs and to replace the story with the truth . Truth always empowers forward momentum .

Sustainable change must be intentional and strategic.
Studies in Human Services report that this process is notably accelerated in partnership with others specifically designed for this purpose.
Allow me to introduce you to what’s possible through the power of Personal Development!
Working with me will dynamically improve your ability to:
Expand your AWARENESS
Embedded in our mental life is our schema, our thinking habits, filters, beliefs, emotional experience, and personal narrative.
Through the courage to Look carefully at our paradigm, Learn from what we discover, and Leverage this understanding to move forward, we cultivate the awareness we need to achieve truly sustainable growth!
Don’t just wish for change, WORK for it!
BROADEN your thinking
Wherever we find ourselves, it’s our thinking that got us here.
When we feel stuck, we need to broaden our thinking by asking strategic questions that invite us to openly examine the story so we see where the truth is being obscured.
As we learn to challenge the obstacles that hold us back, we broaden our thinking and move toward maximizing our potential .
There is a reason that powerful questions are transformative tools. They serve to provide dynamic insight into our thought process to both refine our perspective and gain clarity.
Make the atomic choices that lead to CHANGE
Most people believe they have to take giant leaps toward what they want and make drastic changes.
However, research in behavior analysis shows that it’s the small coarse corrections we make toward the results we want that create the greatest impact. Just a mere 1% to 4% incremental improvement!
The impetus to action is recognizing where you are, knowing where you’d like to be , and what’s holding you back. Then you can act on a plan to move forward.
Acting on a plan, even if it’s a simple one, is the most direct path to sustainable change.
Learn – Do – REPEAT!
Hi, I’m Toni!
For years I enjoyed helping college students think critically by learning to expand their awareness, broaden their thinking and generate profitable insight into their thought process. Now I use those skills as a Personal Development Coach to help others raise the bar in their life, and career.
I’ve spent more than two decades studying the intersections of critical thinking and cognitive psychology and drawing on my unique academic training and professional background, I designed the goal-oriented framework “Think to Empower Change.” I use this framework to powerfully serve my clients in vital areas of vision, strategy, skills, and momentum.
It’s so rewarding to watch my clients do the hard work required to transform at the identity level and design transformative paths toward compelling achievement!
Spend an hour with me at no obligation, and experience what it would be like to work together.
Here are articles on my latest musings and interests. To all who have gone before and do the work so we can all learn, grow, repeat!
To them…I give the deepest of thanks!